Tel : (038)488354, (038)488355, (089)6976943


How Invisalign works?

The Invisalign process begins with a series of snap-on, custom fit, removable mouth trays, or aligners. These Invisalign aligners apply a controlled amount of pressure to your teeth, forcing them to shift. The process continues with a computer-generated image of what your teeth will look like at each stage of treatment from beginning to end. Each stage corresponds to the movement built into a set of aligners.

Additionally, each aligner is designed to pressure specific teeth to move into places. Like brackets and arch wires, Invisalign Aligners move teeth through the appropriate placement of controlled force on the teeth. The key difference is that Invisalign not only controls forces, but also controls the timing of the force application. At each stage, only certain teeth are able to move and these movements will be determined by the orthodontic treatment plan for that particular stage.

Pattaya City : One of the hottest beach-resort destinations in Thailand,Pattaya may not be idyllic but it certainly makes up for it with a wide variety of activities, accommodation, and nightlife venues.     Read more


OrthoSmile is a full service dental clinic in Pataya offering a comforting and relaxing atmosphere one finds in an upscale day spa. Drs. Kasidis, Raungyos and Porndee apply their leading dental expertise in this relaxing retreat, leaving clients refreshed, healthy and rejuvenated.


Phone : 038488354, 038488355, 0896976943

Email   : [email protected]

Hours of operation : Mon-Fri : 9.30-20.00
Sat : 10.00-17.00
Sun : Closed

212/6-7 North Pattaya Rd. Near Fairtex Hotel,
Opposite Terminal 21 department store Banglamung
Chonburi 20150 Email : [email protected]

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